What are the causes of solar street lamp failure?

Possible faults of solar street lamps:

1.No light

The newly installed ones don’t light up

①Troubleshooting: the lamp cap is connected reversely, or the lamp cap voltage is incorrect.

②Troubleshooting: the controller is not activated after hibernation.

·Reverse connection of solar panel

·The solar panel cable is not connected properly

③Switch or four core plug problem

④Parameter setting error

Install the light and keep it off for a period of time

①Battery power loss

·The solar panel is blocked

·Solar panel damage

·Battery damage

②Troubleshooting: the lamp cap is broken, or the lamp cap line falls off

③Troubleshooting: whether the solar panel line falls

④ If the light is not on after several days of installation, check whether the parameters are wrong

 solar road light

2. The light on time is short, and the set time is not reached

About a week after installation

①The solar panel is too small, or the battery is small, and the configuration is not enough

②The solar panel is blocked

③Battery problem

④Parameter error

After running for a long time after installation

①Not enough light in a few months

·Ask about the installation season. If it is installed in spring, summer and autumn, the problem in winter is that the battery is not frozen

·If it is installed in winter, it may be covered by leaves in spring and summer

·A small number of problems are concentrated in one area to check whether there are new buildings

·Individual problem troubleshooting, solar panel problem and battery problem, solar panel shielding problem

·Batch and focus on regional problems, and ask whether there is a construction site or mine

②More than 1 year

·Check the problem first according to the above

·Batch problem, battery aging

·Parameter problem

·See if the lamp cap is a step-down lamp cap

3.Flicker (sometimes on and sometimes off), with regular and irregular intervals


①Is the solar panel installed under the lamp cap

②Controller problem

③Parameter error

④Incorrect lamp cap voltage

⑤Battery problem


①Poor contact of lamp cap wire

②Battery problem

③electromagnetic interference

street lamp solar light

4.Shine – it doesn’t shine once

Just installed

①Incorrect lamp cap voltage

②Battery problem

③Controller failure

④Parameter error

Install for a period of time

①Battery problem

②Controller failure

5.Set morning light, no morning light, excluding rainy days

The newly installed one doesn’t light up in the morning

①Morning light requires the controller to run for several days before it can automatically calculate the time

②Incorrect parameters lead to battery power loss

Install for a period of time

①Reduced battery capacity

②The battery is not frost resistant in winter

6.The lighting time is not uniform, and the time difference is quite large

Light source interference

electromagnetic interference

Parameter setting problem

7.It can shine during the day, but not at night

Poor contact of solar panels

Post time: Jul-21-2022